As the Story Doctor, Kim offers two different types of service: Editing for people who have already completed their first draft and are looking for developmental feedback and coaching for people who have either not yet begun to write or who are having trouble establishing flow and producing pages on a regular basis.
Do you have a book that's good - but not great? A story that has potential but somehow hasn't quite gotten there yet? Kim will provide an objective read of your manuscript, focusing on the three issues that most frequently stymie first-time novelists: plot, pacing and narrative structure. This is not a line edit with corrections of grammar and spelling; it is a developmental overview offering feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the story. Kim will then provide a specific list of steps on what you need to do to get your "work in progress" both working and progressing.
The service begins with a free phone consultation between you and Kim. She will only take you on as a client if she believes your manuscript is at the point where her input will help. If so, she will read a formatted version of your book (Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing) at a cost of $6 a page. Half is payable upfront and half upon completion. After she has finished her edits, a second one-hour consultation with Kim will allow you to discuss her suggestions in detail. |
"She is wise, insightful and eagle-eyed. I highly recommend her." -Judy Goldman, novelist and workshop leader |
As Kim likes to say "if you're making yourself do it, you're doing it wrong."
Would-be writers tend to fall victim to one of two myths. The first is "someday" - the belief that at some point in the future Jupiter will align with Mars, the kids will leave for college, you'll retire, find more time and money, or it will magically become easier to write. But "someday" is a dangerous thought. It keeps our writing goals floating in the ether instead bringing them into the here and now. The second myth is "self-discipline," the notion that if you can just muster up enough willpower, you can make yourself sit down for twelve hours a day and grind out a book. But in truth amassing pages has little to do with willpower and more to do with setting rituals in place to make it easier to write on a regular basis. You have to pay attention to the factors that influence your productivity and nurture the right specific environment for you but, with a little forethought, daily creative work can become almost automatic. Coaching fees are $125 an hour and there are no set number of sessions required. |
"Kim Wright is a talented editor who reaches people with her astute insight into the issues surrounding creativity. I always look forward to a chance to hear her share from her wealth of wisdom." -Marybeth Whalen, bestselling author and founder of She Reads |
Ready to get started? If you have an interest in either editing or coaching, contact Kim directly at [email protected]